Nombre: Olivier Thom
Tiítulo: "An introduction to stability". 

Olivier hizo su PhD bajo la dirección de Dominique Cerveau y Frank Loray en el equipo de Geometría Analítica del IRMAR de
la Universidad de Rennes 1.

7 de Febrero de 2018


It is always surprising to see geometric patterns appear naturally in the world.
But, as interesting as the patterns we can see are the ones that don't appear at all!
A common example of such "missing patterns" can be found on everyone's fingerprints: you can count how many local patterns you see, I guess the answer will only be 3 or 4... You will find 3-branched stars on every finger, but no "X" anywhere! The mathematical notion of stability has been invented to explain which patterns are likely to appear; I would like to make a short introduction to the subject by giving and explaining the main definitions and tools.



Jueves, Marzo 13, 2025